
How to Increase YouTube Subscribers Without Spending

Created a YouTube channel recently. You spent time and effort making quality films. However, only your close friends and family joined your channel. It’s disappointing that the number of YouTube subscribers to your channel isn’t rising.

Every minute, YouTube users post hundreds of hours of video. Popularity on YouTube is not easy to get. Because they don’t outline a strategy to increase YouTube subscribers, the majority of YouTube videos receive very few views. If you don’t have a strategy for how to get noticed in the sea of channels and videos, it is quite simple to get lost.

You want to grow your subscriber base without spending money on advertisements. You are in the proper location. Check out our selection of digital marketing courses from renowned colleges if you are just getting started in the field and want to learn more.

Let’s talk about how to get more YouTube subscribers without spending money on ads.

Top 10 Free Ways To Increase YouTube Subscribers

1. Researching Keywords For Your Videos

Finding the right keywords is crucial to deciding which video you will produce next. Imagine if you put your entire being into making a video, only to discover that there aren’t many people searching for the keyword. It’s harder to find keywords for your videos than it is for your website. There, you can simply utilize Google Keyword Planner to determine the popularity by learning the monthly search volume.

To determine the popularity of particular keyword terms on YouTube, however, you can utilize alternative methods. For instance, YouTube’s suggested videos are a wonderful place to start. When you enter a search term into the YouTube search box, a list of autocomplete suggestions appears. You can see what kinds of searches are being made on YouTube from this.

For your next video, you may also use the VidiQ keyword search tool to find pertinent terms. You may find the list of keywords you are ranking for using YouTube Studio Stats. You can use this to determine the kinds of keywords for which you already rank and those for which you can rank. Finding keywords with a video intent is crucial.

2. Post interesting and high-quality content

Well, isn’t that so obvious? Everyone wants to produce high-quality videos that people will want to watch, but how many YouTubers actually do it regularly? What should you do to produce material that is really engaging to viewers?

Make a persona for the user. Identify your target audiences and the needs they have.

  1. Choose a relevant subject. Establish a theme for your channel and choose topics that will interest your audience.
  2. Get the right tools and equipment to produce crystal-clear videos.
  3. Video editing follows creation. Cut out the extraneous parts. Improve the interest level.

3. Create captivating thumbnails

Users almost always view thumbnails first in the YouTube search results and suggested videos. Users can get a sense of what to expect from the video from the thumbnails. Your thumbnail will have a higher click-through rate if it is more interesting.

4. Take Advantage of Playlists

The majority of YouTubers don’t fully utilize playlists. Users can binge-watch your videos when you make a playlist of similar content. The more videos people watch, the more probable it is that they will subscribe to see more of your content in the future.

For instance, if your channel is focused on education and you produce biweekly MBA videos, put those videos together in a playlist. Remember to include your upcoming videos in the playlist as well.

5. Produce quality videos

You need to spend money on a good mic and camera if you want to provide users with a positive experience. Even quality material will have lower engagement if the right tools aren’t used. As you watch the video, stay focused. Get right to the point. Make your videos no bigger than necessary. Nearly everything is preferred by viewers over long videos. Though total watch time is a crucial factor and some marketers might prefer larger videos, total watch time will always be better if more people watch your content. Focus on increasing user retention rather than creating a bigger one. If you want to keep their attention for the entire video, the first 30 seconds are crucial. Set the tone and let them know what to expect. The more interaction they have with your content, the higher you will appear in relevant searches and videos.

6. Work on Your Channel Profile

Visitors to your channel page need to be impressed by your channel. Writing your channel description is part of this. Don’t make it excessively long or small. Write about what viewers may anticipate from your channel, how frequently you publish videos, and how you differ from other channels with comparable content, and include a call to action to encourage people to take action.

Publish new channel art. If you represent a brand, be sure that your channel art reflects that brand. To develop unique designs for your channel art and logo, there are numerous internet tools that you may use.

7. Include Videos

Avoid simply posting the videos to YouTube. Include the video in a blog post or on your website. To gain more visibility and encourage your website visitors to become YouTube subscribers, choose the pertinent web page or blog post.

If you need to include more than one video, make sure the most crucial one is at the top of the list because Google typically only indexes one video per web page.

8. Post Videos on Social Media

Post links to your videos on other social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can cross-promote by sharing your most recent videos on those sites and including a link to your YouTube channel in the bio of other social media accounts. For a sneak peek, you might consider making a trailer for your video and posting it on various social media sites.

9. Engage Your Audience

You come across as friendlier the more interaction you have with your audience. When you receive a tonne of comments, you don’t have to respond to each one. But make every effort to respond. As not many YouTubers respond to their comments, you will stand out. You can acquire ideas for future videos by reading the comments left by your viewers.

10. Request subscribers from your readers

So, this is now the norm. To encourage engagement and subscribers, you solicit likes and channel subscriptions from your viewers at the conclusion of each video. It is necessary to remind people. After watching a wonderful video, viewers can go on to the following one. So, request their channel subscription at the conclusion of the video.

Instead of just asking people to subscribe, simply provide them with compelling reasons to do so. Subscribers can receive notifications anytime you upload a new video by clicking the bell button. Similar to asking app users to rate your app, you can ask your viewers to subscribe to your channel. Do it when they are most satisfied, such as after you have given them some very helpful information.

11. Getting Your Videos Noticed

As we previously noted, hundreds of hours of videos are posted to YouTube every minute. People may easily miss your stuff if you don’t advertise your videos.

Your best videos can be included on your best-performing blog articles and web pages to help you market your content. Sharing it on your social media channels and including the URL to your channel in your bio can make it simple for fans to find your channel. By including the link in your newsletters, email signatures, etc., you can increase the reach even further.

12. Collaboration with Other Media

Both channels can reach the audiences of other channels by forming alliances with them.

13. Produce both evergreen and trending videos

Don’t limit yourself to producing only evergreen or trending content. Your videos may even appear on the YouTube home page if they are popular and receive a lot of rapid views in a short period of time. Additionally, it will increase your subscriber count because people will want to be notified when you publish newsworthy content. It will enable you to quickly reach a larger audience. Your watch time will increase with evergreen videos.


I hope you enjoyed reading it and picked up a few tips on how to get more YouTube subscribers without spending money on ads. Finding out what works for you, what doesn’t work for you, learning new things, and keeping up with current events are what make the difference.

Sharon Rodrigue

I am a student. I love to travel and write blog about my jounery. It's always possible to remove footage, but there are occasions when it's not viable to go back and take more.

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