Marko Niketic Obituary – Remembering a Beloved Teen Taken Too Soon

Marko Niketic Obituary

The tragic death of 17-year-old Marko Niketic on May 12, 2024, left the Glenview community heartbroken. Marko, a beloved Glenbrook South High School senior, lost his life in a car crash on Mother’s Day, just weeks before his graduation. The tragedy has elicited sympathies and tributes by family members, friends and the community. This tribute is about Marko’s life, how it impacted others and Marko Niketic Obituary.

Early Life and Family

Gordana and Nebojsa Niketic were blessed with Marko Niketic in Park Ridge, Illinois on July 6, 2006. He grew up in Glenview alongside his loving brother, Luka. Radojka Sulejic as well as the late Milorad and Stanko Niketic had been thrilled to have him as a beloved grandson.

In addition, he was a dear nephew to Donna (Dalibor) Mijatovic, Milovan Niketic and Zorica Niketic; and Mateja Milojevic, Mia Hasajinovic, Anastasia Lazic, Eva Badalovskaia along with Ksenija Stanisavljevic are his cousins. All of these relations were mentioned in Marko Niketic Obituary.

Marko was surrounded by a loving family, including his extended relatives in the United States and Serbia. His close-knit family and friends often described him as a beacon of light, bringing joy and laughter to everyone he encountered.

Academic and Social Life

In Marko Niketic Obituary, his life as a student was reflected upon. As a student at Glenbrook South High School, Marko excelled academically and was known for his vibrant personality. He was well-liked and respected by his peers and teachers alike.

Marko’s friends remember him as a genuine and kind-hearted individual who always had a smile on his face. He had a unique ability to bring people together, making him a popular figure in his school community. Besides being honest in all his dealings with others, Marko had great humor which made people love him as he was famous in his school community.

Marko’s academic success was combined with his participation in various extracurricular activities. He was very active at school events and clubs where also assumed leadership positions. Marko’s devotion to his schooling and loyalty towards friends plus society were all self-evident characteristics of his.

The Tragic Accident

On the evening of May 12, 2024, Marko’s life was tragically cut short. According to police reports, Taeyoung Kim who is twenty-one years old was driving west along East Lake Avenue when he violently hit Marko’s car somewhere near Meadow Lane.

Thus, Kim was drunk and drugged while driving carelessly and that is how a deadly accident occurred which divided Niketic’s vehicle into two. The death of Marko became unbearable for family members and friends who loved him so much because they lost one of their own kin.

His girlfriend Ella aged 16 whom he was giving a lift in the car fortunately survived but got seriously injured and rushed to the medical facility. The other driver, Taeyoung Kim did not suffer any fatal consequences even though he faced such charges as reckless homicide, two counts of aggravated DUI as well as many others afterwards.

Community Mourning and Memorials

Shocking news about Marko’s death spread like wildfire across Glenview community. For days after the incident classmates, friends and loved ones crowded around the place where it happened showing their respect for him.

This rapidly grew into a memorial consisting of flowers; crosses or notes left by people showed how deep their sorrow was since they knew him. Marko’s close friend, Preston Shute, expressed the collective grief of the community in Marko Niketic Obituary, saying, “He was the most genuine human I’ve ever met.

That was my best friend, and it’s really hard to process right now.” Shute and other friends formed prayer circles near the memorial, offering support to one another and honoring Marko’s memory.

Funeral and Final Goodbye

On May 16, 2024, visitation took place at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Libertyville after which Marko’s funeral service followed. It was a sad sight as hundreds of mourners who wore black with images of Marko imprinted on their dresses attended the service to say goodbye forever.

The magnitude of the gathering served to show how much effect Marko had on those around him and how big a void he left behind himself. Father Darko Spasojevic, who officiated the funeral, spoke about Marko’s character and the void left by his untimely death.

“He was very, always with a smile, very open, very smart, really gifted. One common theme is that he had an energy and charisma to bring children and people together,” Father Spasojevic said.

Ongoing Support and Legal Proceedings

The support for Marko’s family has continued beyond the funeral. On June 28, 2024, hundreds attended the arraignment of Taeyoung Kim at the Skokie courthouse. Marko’s mother, Gordana, expressed her gratitude for the community’s solidarity, saying, “We feel all the love and support from our families, friends, clergy, all of Marko and Ella’s beloved friends.

We’re here to make sure there’s justice for Ella and Marko.” The legal proceedings against Taeyoung Kim are ongoing, with the next court date set for August 15, 2024. Prosecutors have amassed a substantial amount of evidence, and the community is encouraged to continue supporting the Niketic family throughout the trial.


The Marko Niketic obituary serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the enduring impact one person can have on their community. Glenview has been permanently scarred by this tragedy but the memories of Marko will remain eternal symbols of hope for everyone who knew him. This community looks forward to justice being served as well as healing, holding onto all the love that emanated from within Markos presence and keeping his impact alive forever.