
Tips to Ignite Your Zeal

Can a person be successful without the zeal or passion to do something? I doubt it! Businesses, CEOs, politicians, successful career men and women, the zeal to pursue it against all odds is what makes them who they are today. The fact is the journey to success is not always smooth. The pain, the struggles, the challenges, the disappointments and so much more are enough to make any man quit. Hence, the end goal becomes the focus, the zeal becomes the driver driving you through the rough road to your destination. 

But what happens when you lose that zeal? Well, it’s okay to be tired, weary, disappointed, and discouraged. It’s all part of human nature and even machines that tend to work like a clock sometimes require reignition once the power is turned off.  The good news is you can restore your passion. You can power your tenacity, that zeal can be reignited. Jacqueline Nagle,  a passionate mentor, strategist and speaker is here to help you power up and remind you of how it all started. She shares these powerful tools to help you reignite your zeal. Keep reading!

Be grateful

Be thankful for life, for the people in your life, your achievements- pasts and presents, and all the goodness in your life. Being grateful makes you feel more positive about life, it relishes good experiences, and builds your mental and emotional health. When you are in a positive mood, even mountains that seem difficult to climb will be far easier for you. 

See mistakes as a teacher

So far you are progressing, mistakes are bound to happen. Expect them, learn from and move on. Easier said than done right? Well, mistakes are not really pleasant, but when you see them as the best teachers, you wouldn’t dwell too much on them. The point is one doesn’t always learn from success. Learning from others’ mistakes as well is great but when it’s your own mistakes, it hits deeper. However, it’s not the mistakes that matter. It’s how you handle it, what you learn from it, and how you apply that to your life. 

Stay in the present

“Enough of mind wandering. Enough of always being on your phone and keeping up with others living on social media. Enough of worries and anxieties. These are what steal you of your moments, your presents and it all looks like you aren’t living at all, “Jacqueline Nagle advises. Although this might be difficult especially when you have a lot of things on your to-do lists, however, there are many benefits to this. You get to increase your focus, improve your memory and promote emotional health. Plus, if you’re caught up in all of these, it’s hard to get anything done. Caught out all distractions, take a deep breath, be mindful of your environment and enjoy the moment.

Finish what you started

Are you a starter or a finisher? You already know the race is for those that finish well and part of being successful is knowing how to finish what you started. If you have a lot of unfinished business i.e, a business you quit along the way, a project you got tired of, a course you never finished, chances are all these might dampen your enthusiasm and kill your zeal. Success breeds success, therefore, never quit anything until you see it to finish. Look at your past, what are the things that make you throw in the towel? How can you avoid them? Then, measure up your progress and get going. 

Remain focused on your goal

Remember the purpose and what drives your passion. Remember what makes you get started in the first place and what you stand to gain when you reach your goal. Constantly remind yourself how great it will be and how you will feel when you get there. All these are enough reasons to get up and get drilling. Why do you start? What will you gain from it? 

Reward yourself for every win

Another thing to do is to break big challenges into chunks. Do it and watch your self-motivation increase. However, don’t just stop at that. Pat yourself on the back for every milestone achieved by rewarding yourself. It could be taking yourself out on a date. Reading a book you enjoy or treating yourself to a good spa. In other words, give yourself a good reward for those things you get completed. 

Be inspired

Sometimes, everyone needs motivation and encouragement. The good thing is there are people around you whether online or offline who might have finished the same project that you are currently working on. There are those that can be regarded as mentors, who will be more than willing to share their success stories with you. You can also google those that you see as role models to know how they go about it. Read motivational quotes written by successful people. All these are sure to encourage you and get you to rise and put in the energy and enthusiasm you started with. 

These tips provided by Jacqueline Nagle are proven ways for self-motivation that will set you up for success. They will let you push through challenges, difficulties, pains and make it to the end goal. Hence, regularly check yourself to see if you are on the right track. If not, reignite and get your zeal running. The goal is to finish well and strong!

Jacqueline Nagle

I am Jacqueline Nagle, a passionate Mentor, Strategist and Speaker. Creating transformational change from the platform through the fusion of research, grounded theory and powerful storytelling.

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