
How Can Social Media Be Used As Divorce Case Evidence

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. Most of us are on multiple networks and use them to connect with existing friends and acquaintances or make new associations. These platforms have made it convenient for us to connect with our near ones irrespective of their geographical location. However, there are some instances when one must use these channels wisely. In this post, we are discussing how social posts can be used as divorce case evidence. Many people feel that whatever we are uploading on our profiles belong to our personal domain. What they forget is that the profiles are seen by their followers and therefore are in the public domain. For instance, a Florida resident posted a disrespectful post about his wife whom he was divorcing, on a social channel. This was used by his wife’s divorce attorney Stuart fl to claim that the individual poses a danger to her client. This complicated matters further for the man who was already under a lot of stress. Here are some ways in which your social media posts can be used against you during a divorce case. 

1. Demonstrate Inconsistency Between Income And Lifestyle

Smart lawyers can use the uploads on social channels to demonstrate inconsistency between an individual’s supposed earnings and his/ her lifestyle. Let’s say a person says during a divorce case that he cannot pay the alimony amount being demanded by his wife. The very next day the man visits an expensive resort on a weekend trip. The pictures of the man enjoying his vacation find their way into social media and are discovered by his spouse’s attorney. The professional uses the photograph as proof to disprove the man’s claims that he will not be able to pay the support amount. Since the pictures were in the public domain and it was clear that the main visited that specific resort, the court believed the wife’s lawyer.

2. Show An Individual’s Parenting Skills

Child custody is one of the most important aspects of a divorce case and often is the cause of bitter courtroom battles. Uploads on social profiles can be used to support or disprove claims in such cases. For instance, a man is trying to prove that he must get custody of his kids. His wife claims that the nature of his work does not allow him to spend enough time at home. This will prevent him from giving time to the children and, therefore, custody must be awarded to her. In order to support her claim, she shows the location history gathered from the man’s social feed that clearly indicates that he is away on tour for the major part of the month. In some instances, photos from social profiles have been used to show alcohol or substance abuse and claim that a person is unfit for discharging parental duties.

3. Proof Of Hidden Assets

Another way social media can be used as divorce case evidence is to prove that a person owns hidden assets. This is similar to the first point where the uploads were used to show the inconsistency between a man’s income and his spending power. People who do not want to wiggle out of paying a supposedly high spousal or child support amount, usually claim they are financially incapable of shouldering the burden. In case, such individuals are found in possession of assets that are expensive, then their claims will be disproved. A person who claims to be incapable of paying a specified alimony amount is later found to have recently purchased an expensive sports car may have to pay an even higher amount than before. 

4. Claiming That A Person Is Lying

Your social posts can be used to prove that a statement made by you was untrue. Imagine a scenario where a couple is headed for separation because the wife claimed that her husband cheated on her. The man categorically denies the allegations. Now, the wife gets hold of pictures from a social network that clearly shows that the man had an intimate relationship with another lady. Posts and uploads on digital channels can be used in this manner to prove that an individual was lying or making false claims. 

5. Proof Of Inappropriate Behavior

Social posts can also be used to prove that a person indulged in irresponsible or inappropriate behavior. You are fighting a legal battle for custody of your children and are under great stress. You visit a bar with friends for some relief. A friend posts a picture of you with drinks at a very late hour. This image is used by your wife’s lawyer to claim that you are an irresponsible human being who was out drinking at such a late hour on a weekday.


Social posts and uploads that are open to public viewing can be used as strong divorce case evidence against you. It will be pertinent to avoid such channels when a legal trial is on and use them with discretion during the entire period of the legal process.

Emma Dicosta

Hi, I am Emma Dicosta, a blogger and digital marketer at PatriciaSciarrino - One of the best Family law firm and best place to hire divorce attorney in stuart fl, USA

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