10 Home Treatments for Swollen Gums


Pericoronitis, also known as periapical periodontitis, refers to inflammation of the soft tissue surrounding the tooth roots. When this condition occurs, the gums and other soft tissues swell up and surrounding teeth may become tender or ache. Although it isn’t usually serious, it can be quite painful and can feel like you have an abscessed tooth when it’s happening. Fortunately, there are many home treatments that can help reduce swelling around your gum line, soothe pain and help prevent future outbreaks of swollen gums treatment.


The most commonly used home treatment, ice is usually effective at reducing swelling. Simply placing an ice pack on your gum can help reduce inflammation. If you want to get fancy, you can make ice cubes using a mixture of vodka and tea tree oil which will fight bacteria and speed up healing. Just make sure not to leave it on too long; an hour or two should do it.

Suck it Out

One of the most effective ways to treat swollen gums is with a mouthwash that contains an anti-inflammatory. Sucking on an ice cube can help with swelling, as well as leeching some of it out. If you experience any pain from swollen gums, consult your dentist to ensure there are no underlying issues. Your dentist will check for signs of infection and prescribe medications if necessary.

Teabags and Toothpaste

If you’re suffering from swollen gums, try placing a used teabag in your mouth (or add some toothpaste) to help relieve discomfort. The tannic acid will pull fluids away from swollen tissue and, over time, should reduce inflammation. Use cold or warm water if you have access to it; hot water can worsen symptoms. If you’re already aware of pericoronitis, it’s a good idea to see your dentist as soon as possible; infected gums can spread quickly without treatment and lead to serious complications if left untreated.

Salt Water Flossing

Swelling of your gums (pericoronitis) is most commonly caused by inflammation, which can be treated at home with flossing. You can avoid getting a loose tooth in the first place by brushing and flossing regularly. Plaque that’s allowed to build up can irritate your gums, encouraging bacteria growth and an inflammatory response. When you’re suffering from swollen gums (and don’t have time to see a dentist), salt water flossing is an easy home treatment option. All you need is a few tablespoons of table salt and warm water, plus a piece of string or dental floss.

Keep it Clean

When dealing with swollen gums, it’s important to keep them clean. You should floss regularly, brush twice a day and see your dentist as needed. If you’re developing a pocket under your gumline (called a periodontal pocket), try cleaning with salt water at least once per day. I like to fill a glass with warm water and dissolve one teaspoon of salt in it; then, soak my toothbrush in that solution. Rinse well afterward and pat dry gently—don’t rub too hard! The goal is simply to kill bacteria without irritating your gums further. And don’t forget to visit your dentist as soon as possible if you have swollen gums; there may be an underlying condition causing them that needs treatment.

Use an Oral Irrigator

An oral irrigator is a device that provides you with a fast and easy way to remove plaque and food particles from your teeth. If you’re suffering from pericoronitis, it can be helpful to use an oral irrigator in conjunction with other treatments. You can even buy one online if you don’t have access to one locally, as most are relatively inexpensive. Just follow manufacturer recommendations when it comes to using it, and don’t try to clean more than you should. Remember that overuse of an oral irrigator can increase your risk of gum disease or infections; use common sense when figuring out how often you should use it. It may take some experimentation before you find what works best for your gums (more on that later).

Try Some Homemade Remedies

Pericoronitis is a common condition where your gum tissue becomes infected and swollen. If left untreated, it can cause other complications that require treatment by a dentist. Pericoronitis can also lead to an infection around a tooth, which may need an antibiotic. To help treat pericoronitis at home, try these 10 home remedies: Try Some Homemade Remedies: Pericoronitis is a common condition where your gum tissue becomes infected and swollen. If left untreated, it can cause other complications that require treatment by a dentist. Pericoronitis can also lead to an infection around a tooth, which may need an antibiotic.

Dental Checkup

Make an appointment with your dentist or dental hygienist. Most dental problems can be treated early, preventing permanent damage to your teeth and gums. In more severe cases, you may need surgery to relieve pressure on your jaw or gum tissue that is causing painful swelling. Your dentist will recommend a treatment plan based on how advanced your condition is and how willing you are to undergo treatment. Be sure to follow all of their instructions so you can get relief as quickly as possible.

Mouthwash And Chlorhexidine

It’s always a good idea to keep a bottle of mouthwash or chlorhexidine in your medicine cabinet. Both products are excellent at killing off infection-causing bacteria and will also help relieve your gums of their irritation. For example, try gargling with mouthwash before brushing your teeth to ward off pericoronitis. You can also use it as an effective rinse if you’re suffering from inflamed gums; just pour some over a cotton swab and apply directly to your irritated gum line.

Rest and Avoid Infection

Sometimes swollen gums can be a sign of an underlying infection. If you’re still experiencing discomfort after trying some home remedies, you should contact your dentist right away to rule out infection. If it is indeed pericoronitis, your dentist will provide antibiotics to help clear up any existing infection or inflammation as quickly as possible. In extreme cases, he or she may need to remove part of or all of your tooth. To avoid any infections in your gums, you should also avoid using tobacco products and over-the-counter pain relievers with alcohol in them (such as aspirin), which can cause gum irritation.