
Duties And Responsibilities of A Pharmacist

A Pharmacist is an indispensable part of the healthcare system, and they play a huge role in saving lives. Pharmacists are experts in drugs and drugrelated issues. If drugs are poisonous as they say, pharmacists can turn them into an antidote that cures different kinds of ailments and diseases. Hence, without pharmacists that produce drugs, there is no health care. They are like a strong pillar of Healthcare.

Amazingly, pharmacists do not only deal with drugs. Todays pharmacist has expanded their duties to provide critical mission care in the areas of immunization, fighting depression and suicide in the community, curbing and preventing infectious or chronic diseases, emergencies response and many more. They also provide health advice to communities and are always available for patients at any convenient time of the day without an appointment. The role of pharmacists no doubt can never be overemphasized. However, this isnt all, there is a whole mix of duties that pharmacists perform.

We spoke to the expert, Yostus Hanna, the current Senior Business Development Manager of Clifford Hallam Healthcare, more about the roles and responsibilities of a pharmacist. Keep reading to find out!

Pharmacistsroles and responsibilities,” Yostus Hanna says. Their duties vary widely depending on the work environment or practice settings. We have those that work in the medical centers, military, prison, groceries stores, primary care organizations, pharmaceutical productions, veterinary, universities and research institutes and so much more. Hence, the different work environments will impact your roles and responsibilities in the area.

Main Duties & Responsibilities Of A Pharmacist Are:


  • Pharmacist Gives prescriptions After Full Observation

When it comes to the roles and duties of pharmacists, this is the first thing that comes to many peoples minds. Pharmacists are renowned to fill prescriptions as instructed by doctors or any health provider.

  • Manage medicine

Not only do pharmacists fill prescriptions, but they also determine which type of medicine is suitable to a patients needs, of course, according to the doctors recommendations. They monitor the patients medicines, advise on any possible interaction with other drugs, food, herbal medicines, and possible side effects. Moreover, they instruct patients on when and how to take the medicines.

  • Provides health advice

Pharmacists are a great source of health information for patients. They go beyond informing about potential drug side effects to following up on patients to see how effective the drug is for their treatment. They listen to patientsconcerns and provide tips and advice on how best to go about providing solutions. They can also provide alternative treatment such as dietary changes, supplements, exercising, and any other health advice that can help with the condition.

  • Expert Pharmacist Keeps medical records

They also keep accurate records of patients including medical histories, allergies, and previous prescriptions. This will ensure that pharmacists are able to avoid potentially dangerous interactions between drugs, foods, herbs, or overthecounter drugs. Hence, a safer, better, and effective treatment.

  • Perform administrative duties

Pharmacists also perform some administrative duties when needed. They keep patientsfiles uptodate. They supervise the production and preparation of medicine and ensure they are safe for usage before giving out to patients. They make sure required products are stocked, expired or damaged ones removed, order entries are verified. If you hold an administrative position, these are just part of the many administrative duties you will have to perform.

  • Handle insurance policies

Pharmacists communicate with insurance companies on a patients benefits while keeping the patients needs and interests in mind. They make sure patients get the medications and benefits they need and resolve any insurance issues that might stand in the way.

  • Communicate with other healthcare teams

Pharmacists work handinhand with other healthcare providers. They discuss new medications, which medications a patient needs, mode of administration of medications, health protocols, and any other important information.

  • Keep uptodate with information

Just like any other healthcare job, it is important that pharmacists stay informed and uptodate with whats going on around them. New medications are popping up every day. Being updated will let them know the latest drugs and their usage. For this, join pharmacistsorganizations, read research papers, attend conferences and even subscribe to pharmacy magazines. Keeping a tab of information is important in order to stay relevant and remain an excellent source of important pharmaceutical advice.

  • Manages staff

A pharmacy manager or supervisor roles go beyond pharmacy to managing staff and their daytoday operations. You will have to manage other aspects of staff including pharmacist technicians, counter assistants, and other healthcare colleagues. Your duties extend to hiring new staff, training technicians, scheduling shifts for the staff, making and enforcing workplace policies, and ensuring everything is in place.

The roles of pharmacists are not limited to the points given by Yostus Hanna. These are simply an overview of what the pharmacist jobs entail and whats expected as a promising career.

Yostus Hanna

Yostus Hanna is current Senior Business Development Manager of Clifford Hallam Healthcare with Key Responsibilities • Grow, expand and build on CH2 customer base in Victoria within the retail pharmacy.

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