

After two weeks of intensive meetings with parents and children during professional testing, we got an exciting picture of the priorities in choosing professions for schoolchildren. Every second boy wants to specialise in Cert 4 IT, and every second girl wants to try her hand at modeling and fashion design.

Then there are the questions about training Cert 4 IT and finding work. Just the “navigator” must be appropriately designed to reach the terminus of a logical journey.


Can this be judged by how much the child imagines himself performing a specific speciality and type of activity after acquiring the desired education?

For example, you can inquire about the distinctions in the following specialties:

  • Management Information Systems, Information Technology Management, Information Systems, and Business
  • Analytics, Information Systems, and Business Analytics, Information Systems, and Technology Management?


Of course, the answer to this issue is highly personal. Still, we must not lose sight of the fundamental goal of study abroad programmes for Kyiv residents: finding exciting and well-paying work.

There are numerous cases when our Ukrainian-educated men found what they sought. However, suppose you want your child to use advanced technology, receive practical rather than theoretical education, intern at major companies, and participate in scientific advances that are already changing the world. In that case, overseas schools and universities are the way to go.

The better the laboratories, equipment, and level of professionalism of teachers, the greater the expense of education and the higher the applicant requirements. Remember that quotas for international students are pretty minimal. You can get into prestigious specialisations after college with work experience or through transfer programmes from less prestigious colleges with good performance.

It is no secret that American universities are the world leaders in training in this specialisation. In the scientific field, as always, the British are not inferior, but Canadian specialists find practical skills and work faster because their education is more focused on real projects, not theory, and there is less competition for employment in this country. When looking at neighbouring Europe, the subject of teaching in the native language instantly arises, followed by the issue of money savings, but other criteria are particular.


Higher education can obtaine abroad through preparatory programmes. But through colleges, where education costs are substantially lower.


English proficiency will require. Reading a review written by a Ukrainian IT professional about how he secured a job in Denmark. He humorously state that the level of his English helped him beat out the competitors. According to the guy, if the “techie” can openly converse with the employer. In English and crack a couple of jokes, that is sufficient to work abroad.

A high level of analytical and abstract thinking development will be an essential factor. So for predisposition to this type of speciality. It is estimate that just 6% of the population possesses such abilities.

Another study in Cert 4 IT found that IT specialities are more typically chosen by introverts, men who avoid communication and public speaking and are not socially active. It makes sense for parents to pay attention to these characteristics and assist their children in complementing their mathematical skills. Human skills are just as vital as technical skills in a profession. There are numerous interesting specialised vacation programmes in tech camps where students can try out their talents while improving their English because such initiatives are held in conjunction with local children.

Making Use of Digital Education Education and Technology

Surprisingly, over 60% of our first-grade pupils will one day work in jobs that have yet to develop.

We have no idea what kind of work it could be, but one thing is sure: it will involve technology. That is why every child should learn how to use technology.

It is also crucial to stress that this strong emphasis on the use of technology does not imply. So that teachers will reduce. The technology is here to use by instructors, empowering them to offer courses in ways. So that the old analogue school, which has stood motionless for a century. So would not know about today. Teachers are the most potent facilitators available to get students of Cert 4 IT to learn. Whether or not they use modern technology.


While most educators regard technology as a tool for gaining skills in research or coding. So digital learning does not stop there. Generation Z has grown up with cell phones and social media, resulting in learning processes that are filtered via technology.

Digital life skills such as maintaining one’s digital footprint, developing empathy online, protecting. Because one’s privacy, and employing critical thinking are becoming increasingly vital for a student’s future. Teaching children DQ, digital intelligence, and digital life skills as part of their K-12 curriculum. May help them not just navigate but also thrive in the online environment. Introducing curricula such as Cyber Civics will not only result in more responsible students but would also impact school occurrences by reducing inappropriate digital behaviour and cyberbullying.

aleem akhtar

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