Categories: Business

Real Estate Website Development – Current Trends & Costs

The real estate sector is undergoing a tremendous transition due to technological advancements. Realtors have dominated the US real estate market for the past few years. However, given the speed at which technology is developing, 93% of prospective homeowners now turn to real estate websites to find their ideal properties.

Only 7% decide not to use online resources while looking for a home. This significant change has led several people and companies to consider building their real estate websites to capitalize on the trend.

But, knowing the associated costs of developing a successful platform for a real estate website is essential before starting any website development project.

Why Is A Real Estate Website Necessary?

A website is essential in digital real estate; it is lovely. It increases visibility, fosters confidence, and effectively presents properties. A website is a need if you’re serious about succeeding in the real estate industry.

Establishing Trust and Credibility

  • Appear Professional: A well-designed website gives you an expert appearance.
  • Demonstrate Your Skills: Your website serves as a virtual portfolio showcasing your abilities in real estate.

Increasing Visibility And Reach

  • Expand Worldwide: Unlike conventional methods, a website makes your properties accessible to everyone.
  • Target Your Audience: If your website has the necessary property details, it might attract your desired precise visitors.

Encouraging Customer Involvement

  • Constantly Available for Business: Clients can view listings on a website at any time, just like at a 24/7 office.
  • Make it Fun: To entice people to return, include exciting features like virtual tours.

Effectively Presenting Properties

  • Look Amazing: Your properties stand out with crisp photos and detailed descriptions.
  • Straightforward to Find: Make searching and filtering for visitors on your website simple.

How to Create a Website for Real Estate

Real Estate Website Development & Prototyping

The first thing you should do if you decide to build a website from scratch instead of employing a template is focus on your real estate design development. As an illustration, you may observe the highly tailored and practical user experience on a website like Zillow.

That is highly significant to the company. The cost of making a mistake could be prohibitively high, so you should undoubtedly assign this assignment to the best development team available.

Once your highly competent development team completes this process, you may proceed to Hire UI/UX Designe company and then website development and implementation of front-end and back-end code for the website functionality.

PHP, Laravel, or one of the more well-known templates available on the market will likely be used to create the framework.

Integration with Third Parties

Additionally, you want to incorporate IDX/MLS with your real estate website. This will enable you to quickly maintain your listings and allow anybody to view the properties you have available for sale at any given time. Adding location-specific keywords to your property pages will also help you optimize them.

Configuring the Content Management System

After your website has a basic skeleton, you should focus on the content management system. Along with your properties, your real estate platform should have up-to-date content that will drive your website to the top of search engine results pages and remain there. One excellent approach to achieving it is through your blog.

Customer service CRM

The next step should be a CRM specially designed to satisfy every need of your website visitors. Depending on your business strategy, it may differ slightly, but the important thing is that visitors to your website should understand their alternatives and how to get in touch with you.

Whether you are utilizing a template or not will determine what options are available to you. If not, your design team can modify the site to suit your requirements.

Checking and Fixing Your Website

The real estate portal will undergo comprehensive testing and debugging before becoming live while it is still in beta. To be sure that hackers are not drawn to your website, you should test its security.

Additionally, you should see how quickly your page loads—ideally, no more than three seconds. Your real estate website development team should optimize resources like CSS, JS, and any site images you use if you are experiencing issues with that.

Costs of Real Estate Website Development

Accurate Estate Website Cost Estimates for real estate websites differ greatly depending on their complexity and size. The following is a rough split based on website size:

One- to ten-page small real estate website

For people new to real estate investment, it may cost anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 to build and maintain a modest website with basic features like property listings, search capabilities, and SEO optimization elements.

10–50 page medium-sized real estate website

A medium-sized real estate website with features like MLS connectivity, lead-generation forms, and mobile responsiveness will cost $5,000 to $15,000.

Big Real Estate Website (50+ Pages)

Up to $15,000 can be spent on a comprehensive real estate website with cutting-edge features, unique design components, CRM connectivity, and strong SEO.


In summary, it improves real estate listings and increases credibility and reach. Website development is a critical investment for any real estate company. Its features and functionalities are appropriate for your needs. These days, a real estate website is an effective tool. It draws customers, displays properties, and maintains its lead in the industry.

Avadh Ladani

Avadh Ladani has extensive experience creating websites and mobile applications, and is known as the best UI/UX company in Ahmedabad and has exceptional entrepreneurial abilities. The brains behind Codeflash Infotech

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