Imogen Arnold

My name is Imogen Arnold from United States, I am Working in Multi-national company as a marketing head. I have lots of experience in marketing industry.

What to expect from your first Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

So, are you all set for your first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class? Maybe you know a lot about Brazilian Jiu…

5 years ago

Why Halloween Contact Lenses are so Special for Halloween

Halloween is only a few days away folks, you better get your costume and contact lenses ready. Halloween is about…

5 years ago

The best ways to create Magical Eyes with Crazy Contact Lenses

The decoration and enhancement of our facial appearances have never been out of fashion. After all, it is our looks…

5 years ago

A Detailed Guide on Coloured Contact Lenses

Coloured contact lenses are simply amazing. These lenses allow a lot of people to change their eye colour at will.…

5 years ago