Emma Rita Kimonides

Emma Rita Kimonides is a Founder & Director of Yes Insurance and Yes Finance Group. 33 Years insurance experience working in broking and leading a team of people.

Truck Green Slip and Heavy Haulage Insurance

Truckers and heavy haulage drivers face risks every day on the road. They need protection in case their vehicles or…

3 years ago

Emma Kimonides Talks About Truck Insurance Information Guide

Truck insurance is not just about you being protected against any damage or loss to your truck. Though that is…

3 years ago

Reasons to Buying A Truck Insurance

Truck insurance is like a saving grace, saving you from costly bills if one of your trucks gets involved in…

3 years ago

5 Things to Consider Before Buying Your Truck Insurance

When choosing truck insurance, you can leverage the competition in the insurance industry. The type of offer available depends on…

3 years ago

Top 3 Tips to Buying a Vehicle Insurance – Truck Insurance

To be assured of financial protection, it is fundamental for vehicle owners to obtain creditable vehicle insurance. Regardless of its…

3 years ago